GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

A forum for the owners and enthusiasts of General Motors B-Bodies from 1977-1990, but dedicated to the owners of 1977-1979 Impalas and Caprices. Join up now!

2 posters

    Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost

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    Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost Empty Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost

    Post  Buick_FIN Tue May 27, 2014 3:17 pm

    No use to put to classfieds, because located about 3000 miles from US east cost, but anyway still for a while I send you photo of my "SS" Caprice:

    -police springs, excellent ride!
    -330hp goodwrench engine

    doesn't it be in the level of newer SS Impala, at least I think this is:

    Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost IMG_1206_pak-vi

    I have few other cars and as obsession I want to have the Buick-plastic-wood-dash and therefore I am going to buy LeSabre coupe, and this sedan has to go. I'm gonna be a real buick man with one coupe and one station wagon.
    The people are driving here newer Audis, VW:s, Toyotas, Mercedes and BMW:s, but a bit, ok, more than a bit, old fashioned '79 Caprice has had a positive feedback from a people generally especially at winter time, when normal "summer cars" are not seen at all.
    And driving with police springs in bumpy asphalt roads or highway at 85 mph, no matter what, it is a car I like to drive.
    Compared to my previous fox-Mustang the huge 234/75 x 15" wheels makes a bit comfortable touch to ground, but the suspension keeps the car ok.
    And compared to my prev-prev El Camino this does not squeek so much and there is not that awful wind noise, which El Camino had (with it's "hardtop"-doors). And still on the track I would believe this wouldn't be any slower than my '84 El Camino was.
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    Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost Empty Re: Caprice '79 "SS", soon lost

    Post  solo79 Tue May 27, 2014 7:36 pm

    Very nice!! Welcome to the forum!

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