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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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    Magazine articles of B bodies?

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    Magazine articles of B bodies? Empty Magazine articles of B bodies?

    Post  Buick_FIN Tue May 27, 2014 2:45 pm

    Hi people, regards from North Europe, Finland.

    I have seen magazine articles "road tests" of Caprice '77, magazines as "Car and Driver" and "Motor Trend"  "car of the year", then some Motor Trend "car of the year one year later",

    Car and Driver May '77 of Buic LeSabre Sport coupe, and 1 page article of Buick Estate Wagon,

    Then article of Oldsmobile Diesel, Delta 88, article from year 1978...

    ..but not much else. Ok, I have also the Brooklands Road Test Portfolio including few more articles of Caprice and LTD Ford compared few times at '80's.

    What I wonder, if there is any article including for example Olds 403 engine in any car (I've seen one article of Buick Riviera '77), or any road test of Oldsmobile Delta or Pontiac Catalina, or Buick LeSabre or such?

    Some specialities what I have purchased are German Auto Motor und Sport magazines including tests of Caprice sedan (1977), Caprice stw ('79) and comparision with several European cars and Caprice stw ('79). Testverbrauch 27,5 l/100km means about 8 mpg as your US standards driven of course mostly by Autobahns. As example of nice touch data you can have from these.

    The noise level is one interesting figure, checked from these articles, B body had very strong point on that back at '77, because even today the values are not much out of date as my opinion.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:29 am