GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

A forum for the owners and enthusiasts of General Motors B-Bodies from 1977-1990, but dedicated to the owners of 1977-1979 Impalas and Caprices. Join up now!

    PS Bracket

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    Location : At the base of the Mountain (NY) Adirondacks

    PS Bracket  Empty PS Bracket

    Post  Myloth Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:04 pm

    Could anyone (PLEASE) show a pic of their PS brackets.

    The bracket for mine the original I never had on correctly (Lost part? l)

    I tried this horror with way too much alignment issues I should have bought the steel with the 2 piece bottom

    PS Bracket  Psbrac11

    I am going to to a yard Monday get something and then put together a straight bracket or die in the  trying.

    Any pics of your setup would be greatly appreciated year doesn't matter just what works for you.

    If I missed something here or anywhere even a link would be nice.

    What's ridiculous about the whole damn thing is my aluminum alternator bracket I have yet to have an  issue

    It's actually like the pic of the one here. Why these PS brackets don't work is insanely frustrating but

    it seems this one requires too many washers in the instructions. My original 79' isn't great either

    aside from being a hideous beast getting tension on it seemed impossible hence my request?

    here's the original

    PS Bracket  Th_20150626_113030

    Ok my panic attack has passed I didn't make out in the yard but I did make this yesterday and I believe

    it will work .( I bought a length of SS rod and the joints off ebay while back)

    PS Bracket  P2220010

    I'll use it as the top bracket rather than that aluminum turd in the other pic. I also found out that

    style of kit would require a special pulley. No mention anywhere on Ebay(Where I got mine) or from March of this.
    Helpful and Responsive Member!
    Very active with responding and helping other members with questions and concerns.
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    10 years of being a member on our forum!

    Posts : 638
    Join date : 2014-06-09
    Location : At the base of the Mountain (NY) Adirondacks

    PS Bracket  Empty Re: PS Bracket

    Post  Myloth Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:33 pm

    PS Bracket  P3010010

    I came up with a temporary solution with the heim joint although it's a little shaky

    and not 100 percent true. So I bought a different style mount that puts the PS pump on the

    block and grabs one bolt on the water pump should get on next week. Till then this is working ok

    I'm just glad the Napa pump checked out ok Smile.

      Current date/time is Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:04 am