GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

A forum for the owners and enthusiasts of General Motors B-Bodies from 1977-1990, but dedicated to the owners of 1977-1979 Impalas and Caprices. Join up now!

2 posters

    BBody GoKart???

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    BBody GoKart??? Empty BBody GoKart???

    Post  78RoyaleDelta Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:48 pm

    Hello everyone long time reader first time posting. I have a 1978 Olds Delta Royale in beautiful condition but... Im in a love hate relationship with it and dont know weather to keep or sell it. A friend recently suggested converting it to a kart and strip all the well kept parts and sell to someone(like him) who needs certain parts. Any pros cons of the kart build?
    terry cronk
    terry cronk
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    BBody GoKart??? Empty Go-Kart?

    Post  terry cronk Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:34 am

    Unless you need the money or whatever, keep it, or sell it whole.

    The Olds is desirable.
    terry cronk
    terry cronk
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    BBody GoKart??? Empty BB0dy-Olds 88

    Post  terry cronk Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:51 am

    What is this Kart your talking about?

    Is this a track cutting car?

    Is this a two(2) door in great condition?

    Does it run? What engine? Come on now, information.


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