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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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    Heating problems

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    Heating problems Empty Heating problems

    Post  Bingt Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:16 am

    Hello guys.

    I have a problem with my '78 caprice classic heating system.

    The Comfortron is the one with one slider that controls the vacuum valves, and a potentiometer that should control heat.
    When I bought this caprice the comfortron was bypassed by a single dip switch, which only turns on the blower motor. This works.

    The connector coming from the car, aswell as the comfortron itself had one terminal that burned through.
    I suspect this happened because of my airco compressor. It's stuck and probably built too much resistance into the cables (?)

    Is this possible?

    Now, to try and fix this problem i disconnected the airco compressor from the system, manually joined the connector together, but the heating system is not responding to anything this way.

    Besides from the vacuum lines controlling the valves (which i know is a pain to work on) i suppose i should be able to get the heater and blower working again.

    Does anybody have any information on wire coloring behind my comfortron unit, or even a wiring schedule?
    Perhaps even recognize this problem? I'm a bit lost...

    Thanks very much in advance,

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