GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

Join Now If Your A 1977- 1979 Caprice or Impala owner or other GM B-Body owner!!!
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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

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GM B-Body Forum, 77-79 Caprice/Impala Forum

A forum for the owners and enthusiasts of General Motors B-Bodies from 1977-1990, but dedicated to the owners of 1977-1979 Impalas and Caprices. Join up now!

    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure

    GM B-Body Forum
    GM B-Body Forum
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    Posts : 756
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    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Empty 1979 Caprice Impala Brochure

    Post  GM B-Body Forum Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:53 pm

    This is the brochure dealers would hand out, contains all options available, and models available.
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6727
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6728
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6729
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6730
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6733
    1979 Caprice Impala Brochure Cimg6732

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:33 am